This electric field mill offers high accuracy short range lightning detection from 0 to 24 miles (0 to 38km) with the capability to receive lightning alerts on your cell phone or email while out in the field.
Measuring the static electric field generated by thunderclouds the Boltek EFM-100 Electric Field Mill not only detects nearby lightning but can detect the atmospheric conditions which precede lightning. Electric field data is displayed and graphed on your desktop computer using the included software.
For complete electrical isolation from the field mill outside, the EFM-100 Electric Field Mill connects to your computer using a fiber optic cable. The EFM-100 electric field detector features aluminum and stainless steel construction for corrosion resistance, gold plated connectors throughout, and the highest quality ball-bearing brushless dc motor for excellent reliability.
The electric charge contained in a thundercloud also generates an electric field. With the electric field detector, this field can be measured on the ground.
Electric fields develop wherever there is a difference in electric potential. If the electric field gets high enough you can feel your hair stand on end (if this happens outdoors during a thunderstorm crouch down with your feet together as you are about to be struck by lightning.) An electric field is what attracts your hair to a charged comb or a charged balloon.

Electric field is measured in Volts per meter (3.3 feet) The fields which accompany thunderstorms normally measure in the thousands of Volts per meter, usually abbreviated to kV/m.
Lightning is detected as a sudden change in the static electric field. 
• Electric field mill offers high accuracy lightning detection
• Monitors and alerts for weather conditions that precede lightning
• Standard RS485 data output with optional fiber optic package
• Electrical isolation from the field mill to PC or Laptop
• Customizable alarm distances and electric field levels
• SMS text messaging and E-mail alarm notifications from electric field detector
• Monitor up to four separate locations per computer
• Inverted Mounting Kit greatly reduces the number of false alarms during heavy precipitation
• Aluminum and stainless steel parts throughout for corrosion resistance
• Free software updates for the electric field detector
• One year parts & labor manufacturers warranty
The following documents require Adobe Reader. 
EFM-100C User Manual
EFM-INV-M / EFM-INV2 / EFM-INV3 Installation Instructions
EFM-100 Product Brochure
USB-RS232 Driver Fix Instructions